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Archive for September, 2010

>San Ysidro Port of Entry Expansion Planned

>A joint US and Mexico project to expand the San Ysidro entry point is set to move forward.  The US will spend more than $575 million and Mexico will invest more than $50 million.

Construction will take place over a period of five to seven years in three phases.  The crossing will remain open during that time, but delays are expected so it will be important to keep that in mind. The expansion is planned to include realignment of the auto lanes and a new pedestrian bridge.  Many upgrades for border security measures are expected as well.

>Believe in Tijuana


>El Grito & 200 Years of Mexican Independence

>On September 16, 2010, Mexico will celebrate its 200 years of Independence. The Bicentennial is a celebration of two events. The first is two hundred years since Independence and the second is the 100 years since Mexican Revolution of 1910. Mexican Independence Day is to celebrate the independence from Spain, which controlled what was at that time called New Spain.

 A call to revolt (El Grito) by the Catholic priest Miguel Hidalgo, was made shortly before dawn on September 16, 1810. The uprising brought the indigenous indians and mixed mestizo groups against the Spanish military and helped change the face of the already on-going fight for independence. This occurred in the village of Dolores, Guanajuato.El Grito has become emblematic of Mexican independence.

Each year on the night of September 15, the President of Mexico rings the bell of the National Palace in Mexico City. He repeats a cry of patriotism from the balcony of the palace to the assembled crowd in the Plaza de la Constitución, one of the largest public plazas in the world. This event draws up to half a million spectators. Local politicians such as the Mayor or Governor will also ring a bell and offer the traditional saying. President Calderón is expected to officiate the Grito in Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato as part of the bicentennial celebrations in 2010.  Similar celebrations occur across Mexico.

 September 16 is Independence Day in Mexico and is considered a patriotic holiday, or fiesta patria (literally, holiday of the Fatherland).

>Expo Tequila 2010

>The Tequila Expo is returning to Tijuana.
   DATE:    October 13 through 17th
   PLACE:  Av. Revolution at 7th (Sanborns)
   COST:    Approx $6.00 USD

The festival is a cultural event because its main focus is on educating visitors about the types of Tequila in Mexico. Participants will have the opportunity to taste some 100 different Tequilas from different parts of the Tequila region in the State of Jalisco. You will the opportunity to buy the Tequilas and other beverages that are being tasted.  

Expo Website Facebook

>Rosarito to Ensenada bike ride

>September 25, 2010

Twice annual ride from Rosarito to Ensenada. There will be a festival near the finish line in Ensenada with live music and food vendors.

Ride starts at the Rosarito Beach Hotel.
Official Website

>Tecate Beer Festival 2010

>September 10 through 12
TECATE Beer Festival with beer tasting music and entertainment at Plaza Los Encinos in the city of Tecate.

for information call (011-52) 665-108-92-57 or (011-52) 665-104-49-61

Admission is free