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Archive for April, 2015

Tijuana Folk Art Festival

Date: May 20 – 24
Time: 10:00am – 9:00pm
Place: CECUT – Zona Rio
Cost:  $0.00 – gratis, free

The Expo Artesanal will be held on the Esplanade of CECUT (Centro Cultural).

Once again artisans will be present to show their crafts and artworks to all who are interested.

Food and drink will be available in the food pavilion, supplied by restaurants from all over Tijuana’s finer restaurants.

A stage will be available to showcase regional music and dance.

Revu-tour – A three hour walking tour of artisan shops along Avenida Revolución will be offered for the first time. English-speaking guides will provide information about the artisans and their shops. The tour will go through Pasaje Rodríguez, Pasaje Gómez, and Pasaje Revolución.